
“返锡通”平台使用热点问题解答 ( 中英日韩)

发布时间:2020-02-10    浏览次数: 【字号:默认 特大



FAQs in the Use of the “Wuxi Inbound Worker Registration Platform”  


《반석통(fanxitong)》 사용 이슈 응답




  According to the Notice on Returnees Using “Wuxi Inbound Worker Registration Platform” During the Epidemic Prevention and Control Period (No.6) issued by Wuxi Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Prevention and Control Emergency Command, on the basis of implementing the government's requirements for epidemic prevention and control, companies should determine their inbound employees based on their actual needs, and collect in advance the information of workers who plan to return to Wuxi. Please log in to the “Reporting System for the Screening of Inbound Workers to Wuxi” managed by the Wuxi Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security”, and timely fill in the information of the workers who plan to return to Wuxi from other places. After passing the system comparison and verification, the company can send a notice on resumption of work to the employees who want to return to Wuxi, and remind their employees to log in to the “Wuxi Inbound Worker Registration Platform” to register their personal information.  

  Those who receive the notice on resumption of work must log in to the “Wuxi Citizen Card” WeChat public account and click into “Wuxi Inbound Worker Registration Platform” to register personal information and travel modes before they come to Wuxi.  

  According to the feedback on user experience, we have worked out some FAQs as listed below.




  무석시신종코로나바이러스전염 예방제어응급지휘부 6호통고에 근거하여 기업에서 정부의 전염병예방제어조치를 집행하는 기초에서 기업자체의 노동력사용 수요에 따라 직장복귀인원을 확정한다. 반드시 사전에 무석복귀직원과 연락하여 정보를 수집정리한다. 무석시인사사회보장국 《직장복귀인원조사상황시스템》을 로그인하여 타지역에서 무석에 복귀하는 직원정보를 제때에 입력해야 한다. 시스템에서 심사통과 후 기업은 복귀직원에게 복귀통보를 발송하며 직원더러 《반석통》에서 개인정보를 입력하게 한다.

  기업의 복귀통보를 받은 직원은 반드시 《무석시민카》공공계정을 팔로우하여 《반석통》에 개인정보와 교통정보를 입력한다. 

  사용 후의 피드백에 근거하여 이슈로 언급되는 몇가지 문제에 대하여 응답한다. 


  How do I log in to the Wuxi Inbound Worker Registration Platform?


  《반석통》을 어떻게 로그인하나요?


  There are three ways. (1) Subscribe to the “Wuxi Citizen Card” WeChat account, click on the “Wuxi Inbound Worker Registration” module. (2) Download and install the “Wuxi Citizen Card” APP, click on the “Wuxi Inbound Worker Registration” module. (3) Scan the QR code to log in. 


  첫째, 위챗공공계정 《무석시민카드》를 팔로우하고《반 석 통》을 클릭한다.

  둘째,《무석시민카》앱을 다운로드하고 《반석통》을 클 릭한다.

  셋째, QR코드를 스캔하여 로그인한다.

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